This Website!
This website was created from scratch using HTML and CSS!
A Python program that uses the Yahoo Finance API to download and
display live stock data. Custom Tkinter was used to create a GUI, along with Matplotlib to
create the graph. For more information, including instructions for how to run the project on
your machine, click on the GitHub link!
AA program built in x86 MASM Assembly that will track user-entered daily temperature
readings, and output helpful statistics such as the minimum, maximum, and average
temperature. It will also tell the user how many cold, cool, warm, and hot days there were!
For more information, including instructions for how to run the project on
your machine, click on the GitHub link!
A blackjack game made using Python and Pygame. Currently
training an AI to play the game using Pytorch! The game includes all US Casino rules,
including splitting (up to 3 hands per turn), doubling down, and late surrender.
For more information, including instructions for how to run the project on
your machine, click on the GitHub link!
A drawing program based on the classic Etch-A-Sketch toy. Features include a color
selection button (including a "Random Color" option that automatically chooses a random
color for each grid cell as you draw), grid size selector, and the ability to clear
the grid. Click the "Demo" button to try it out!